Friday, November 6, 2009


Make some brownies today for the kids. They taste wonderful!
Shape it to be a cupcake using bakerella's idea. Don't have white chocolate at home so in the end use dark chocolate to coat the brownies and roll them in the hundred thousands. The kids helped me with this task. They were so excited! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Butter cookies!

Made some simple butter cookies today with my kids.... they love the mixing and colouring!

Friday, October 16, 2009

My cheese bread

Today, I tried to make chesse bread. I did not have a bread machine. Knead the dough for 25 mins! OMG, arms aching now! However, luckily the bread look nice! My kids said it taste nice! Thank God! :)


My sis asked me to help her write names on chocolates for her hubby.

In the end, I used my sugar icing for cookies on the chocolates so that they can harden.

My 1st bread making

I have always wanted to try bread making. Finally, I have got the time to try!

The result?

It was very nice when fresh out from oven. But the next day, it actually become a bit hard.

Guess I will need to work more on my kneading.....

BEN 10 cake

My son request for a Ben 10 cake for his birthday. When I heard that, I thought "Oh No!"

In the end, I did some research online and decide to use fondant for his cake. Another 1st try! I have never like fondant as I think it is too sweet for consumption. However, decide to give it a try as the cake will look nice if I use fondant.

I made the fondant using icing sugar and mashmallows. Then I added wilton color paste. The Ben 10 figure looks stout and fat! hahaha... but at least my son still do recognise it as Ben 10.... Amazing!

I started to work on his cake from 11pm and only completed it at 4am... phew! tiring job!

However, when I saw the happy look on his face when he saw the cake, it was all worth it!

The cake is a butter cake with buttercream frosting with strawberries (my son's fav).

Guess what, my eldest girl just told me that she wans me to bake a princess cake for her bday which is next year April!

Til then!

My 1st blackforest cake

This was my 1st attempt to complete a cake with full frosting! This cake was my hubby's request for his birthday. He LOVE blackforest cakes....

Intially, I wanted to do a chocolate ganache cake for him but he insisted on his fav.... AND so it is, a black forest cake for him!

I had to do a second cake for my son... Their bdays fall on the same day!

OMG! My son requested for a Ben 10 cake!